Bitar - Bittar .net

Dearest Bitar from Mardine.
You are welcome to navigate freely throw these pages.
Please feel free to send me all the corrections, update and photos that you have, to keep this net at the best of our interest.
Talking about this site and refer it to other Bitars, can be also a big help.
And I strongly encourage you to send me all your suggestions, ideas and comments; I will post it here on this page, as a chat board for all of us.
And if you like, I can keep you informed of all new posts on this page.
Gaby Joseph Bittar :
أفراد عائلة بيطار الأحباء
أردنا هذا الموقع وسيلة تواصل لجميع آل بيطار من أصل تركي في العالم
نتمنى أن تزيدوه غنى بإضافاتكم المستحدثة، مقترحاتكم و تعليقاتكم اللتي ممكن نشرها على هذه الصفحة
بانتظار المزيد منكم، أخوكم كابي جوزيف بيطار
A tous les Bitars de Mardine autour du monde.
Vous êtes invités à naviguer sur les pages de votre réseau.
Envoyez-moi, S.V.P toutes les corrections, mise à jour et les photos nécessaires pour garder notre net au service de nous tous.
Parlez et faites référence de ce réseau aux autres Bitars, et n’oubliez pas surtout de m’envoyez vos idées, suggestions ou commentaires, et je m’engage à les afficher ici sur cette page, comme un tableau d’affichage familial universel.
Je peux vous tenir au courant de toute nouvelle publication aussi.
Fidèlement le votre’ Gaby Joseph Bittar :

Thank you cousin, glad to hear from you. Sorry about the wrong spelling of your name. I corrected already.
And YESS, this is a good news! Please send-me all the pictuers that you can find related to our big family in your family albums, for the benefit of all of us. 
Hi Gaby
Thank you very much for the thoughtful email and the for sharing the family tree. I can assist you with many of the Photos of Jiddo's brothers and sisters including their spouses.
Please let me know so I can scan and send them to you.
Can i ask you for a favor? my legal name in America is Gabriel Bittar not Gabe; please edit it if you wish.. 
Thanks again for the kind email and I pray that everyone is doing great. 
Jaber Fuad Bittar

Hi Gaby
Please note that Dany’s daughters are : Daelle 2004 and Mikaelle 2008 . Kindly add them .
Thanks and regards
  Khalil M Bitar
NB : Pls. convey my best personal regards to Joseph and Renee and to the family
Thank you Sir. It's been done to the three new welcome pages: ArabicFrançais & English  
Hi Gaby
Finally we have the family tree , thanks and Bravo.  However I would suggest to add the following   :  “ the family of Ibrahim moved to Lebanon and Syria in 1914 or 1915 Safar Barlek massacre “ to be added whenever is mentioned origin from Mardin, Turkey in the three languages on the publication and home pages …
Best regards
   Khalil  Malak Bitar